Thursday, October 28, 2010


This week in class we have been discussing masculinity and the idea of what makes someone manly. From discussions and the video we watched in class it seems like society believes a man has to be tough, swear, and hide his true emotions from the world to be a true man. This belief has been embedded in us perhaps mainly through the media. From an early age we are bombarded with messages that tell us that this view on  masculinity is true. Through movies of tough guys with guns, we are taught that if you are tough you not only are a man you have power and respect. This seems appealing to us, power and respect just from putting up a false front? In reality this type of behavior has been detrimental to our society. With this belief of masculinity there are far more murders, rapings, and assaults cause by men then by women. By adjusting our perceptions of masculinity we further expand our society's potential. By getting rid of this "mold" that is masculinity we make it socially acceptable for people to truly build themselves to become what they desire. In a way it would be like straying away from conformity allowing greater diversity in our society thereby allowing creativity to prosper.


  1. I agree! Society has definitely altered our minds in negative ways for our whole lives. It's sad that it starts at such a young age and that we're completely unaware of it at that time.

  2. I agree that society affects who we are but to say it is the cause of our violence is to much of a stretch for me. I mean historically men do commit more murder, rape, and assault than women. In all countries and time periods.

  3. I am interested in whether you think that you can write screenplays for Hollywood that are successful yet they break that mold or if you have to conform to the typical Hollywood mold in order to generate popularity.
